Every year over 200 people a year lose their lives at work in Britain & Ireland. In addition, around 160,000 + non fatal injuries are reported each year, and an estimated 2 million suffer from ill health caused or made worse by work.
All employers under the Health & Safety At Work Order 1978 (NI) &The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (ROI) must carry out a Health & Safety risk assessment as health and safety law applies to all businesses, however small. It covers employees, full- or part-time, temporary or permanent, the self-employed, young people doing work experience, apprentices, charity workers, mobile workers and home-workers. If you hire temps or casuals from agencies you have health and safety responsibilities towards them too.
Elan Environmental can tailor health and safety solutions to meet the individual needs of any company, large or small. We offer a friendly and professional health and safety consultancy service, at competitive prices, and work for businesses, institutions and individuals across the Britain & Ireland. Our experience, continuing professional development and wide range of health and safety consultancy skills contribute to our first rate reputation for providing a cost-effective and practical approach.
Our Health & Safety Assessments cover a number of key areas including:
- Managing health and safety;
- Slips, trips and falls;
- Asbestos;
- Hazardous substances;
- Falls from a height;
- Musculoskeletal disorders;
- Display screen equipment;
- Noise;
- Vibration;
- Electricity work;
- Equipment and machinery;
- Maintenance and building work;
- Workplace transport;
- Pressure systems;
- Fire and explosion;
- Radiation;
- Stress;
- First aid and accident reporting;
- Site specific H & S risks.
Every company is under a statutory duty to arrange for a ‘competent person’ to assess all the health and safety risks in the workplace. Elan Environmental can assist in the health & safety risk assessment process & provide additional assistance in relation to site specific Health & Safety Policies, Health & Safety Training and Occupational Health & Safety Auditing Processes.